Today we found an amazing article by Kristin Houser highlighting the innovative work of 26-year-old Kenyan Data Analyst, Nzambi Matee. Her work involves repurposing plastic waste by turning it into functional bricks which can be used in construction which happen to actually be stronger than their concrete counterparts due to the plastics polymerase qualities making them less brittle!
The bricks are made by crushing and mixing the plastic waste with sand before being heated, once heated the mixture is pressed into brick-shaped moulds and cooled.
380 million tons of plastic gets produced every year…90% of that doesn’t get recycled. Are recycle Plastic Bricks a solution to this crisis, could we see a future made up of plastic homes and cities? Here at Studio Neom, we are excited to see where and how we could incorporate recycled plastic bricks into our projects, doing our bit in reducing plastic waste!
Follow link to article https://www.freethink.com/environment/bricks-made-from-plastic-waste
Click here to find out more on our research into how plastic waste is being used in the construction industry. (Insert a hyper link on the website)
References – Houser, 2021. Diy factory turns plastic waste into super-strong bricks [online]. Available at: https://www.freethink.com/environment/bricks-made-from-plastic-waste [Accessed 24/10/21].