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Bridge Contruction


To help us understand who our demographic is and who we will be working with, we did some research into our clients and charities that we could work with regarding the R-Build sector.

Beautiful Landscape

Environmental Factors

We wanted to research the current climate emergency and have a deeper look into how the built environment fits into this. We as a practice must comply with ongoing changes to regulations and also strive to make our buildings sustainable. 


Nottingham 2028

To understand the content in which our practice is based, we researched what Nottingham in 2028 will be like and the carbon climate plans that the council have set out. 

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Homelessness in Nottingham


Our R-Build sector relates directly to the homelessness problem. We researched into what homelessness is like in Nottingham, to see whether or not there was a market for it. 

Tree Parts

Technological Factors

As a practice, we believe in using low carbon, innovative materials. We researched into modern materials and potential things we can include in our buildings.



To understand how we are getting funding for our R-Build projects, we reserached into how the ocuncil funds charities and wokring with the council.

DISCLAIMER: This is a student project based at Nottingham Trent University. All content is part of an undergraduate project to create an imaginary business in 2028, and is entirely fictitious. All use of material from other sources is fully acknowledged, and no part of this site is intended as the basis for a real company or for the offer of any professional services.

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