Is the future a return to our old ways?
Cob is a wonderful and ancient building material used for millennia, with some cob homes being up to 10,000 years old! Cob is not only very strong and durable but also extremely sustainable, in fact it is the most sustainable form of building there is; being made up of sandy-sub soil, clay and straw it is totally natural and has almost zero embodied energy, is completely recyclable and non-polluting!
We at Studio Neom are very excited to explore the many potentials of Cob in our own projects!
Follow this link to find out more about the benefits of building with Cob http://www.koruarchitects.co.uk/cob-super-natural-materials/ or check out our research into natural building materials (insert hyperlink to section of website)
Follow this link to see example of Cob being used in contemporary construction https://www.standard.co.uk/homesandproperty/interiors/grand-designs-cob-castle-seven-years-in-the-making-is-straight-out-of-lord-of-the-rings-and-ecofriendly-too-a125186.html
At Studio Neom we can’t wait to see how we can incorporate Straw Bale construction into our projects!
References – Denham, 2018. The most requested Grand Designs revisit in history': inside the extraordinary Lord of the Rings-style 'cob castle' home in Devon [online]. Available at: https://www.standard.co.uk/homesandproperty/interiors/grand-designs-cob-castle-seven-years-in-the-making-is-straight-out-of-lord-of-the-rings-and-ecofriendly-too-a125186.html [Accessed 24/10/21].
Koru Architects, nd. Benefits of building with cob, plus examples (#SuperNaturalMaterials 8) [online]. Available at: http://www.koruarchitects.co.uk/cob-super-natural-materials/ [Accessed 24/10/21].