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Imogen Bennett

Over 1000 people in Nottingham are sleeping on the streets or living in temporary housing
(Locker, 2020)

(Figure 1, homelessness, Nottingham Brock, 2016)

Shelter is a homeless charity based in Nottingham that has said that the city has the third-highest of people sleeping on the streets or are currently living in temporary housing in the east midlands. Polly Neate, who is the charities chief executive has said that more than 4,800 people across the midlands. (Locker, 2020)

With COVID19, the situation has gotten worse. There has been an increase in homelessness across all three nations. by the second wave of the pandemic, there was a bigger increase from people experiencing homelessness for the very first time (Boobis, S, 2020)

Ander Redfern, who is the chief executive of Framework, another Nottingham homelessness charity has said he is “trying very hard” to help build a case that those who are homeless should have access to the covid vaccine, as well as the member of staff working with them.

The UK government is currently working hard to bring down the number of homeless people, by providing more funding and support.

Figure 1 Brock, B., 2016. Homelessness Nottingham. [image] Available at: [Accessed 1 December 2021].

Boobis, S. and Albanese, F. (2020) The impact of COVID-19 on people facing homelessness and service provision across Great Britain. London: Crisis [Accessed 11 November 2021]

Locker, J., 2020. Number sleeping rough in city for first time 'almost doubles'. [online] NottinghamshireLive. Available at: [Accessed 11 November 2021].



DISCLAIMER: This is a student project based at Nottingham Trent University. All content is part of an undergraduate project to create an imaginary business in 2028, and is entirely fictitious. All use of material from other sources is fully acknowledged, and no part of this site is intended as the basis for a real company or for the offer of any professional services.

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